Gothenburg – Sweden


19 SEPTEMBER 2020 – 10 JANUARI 2021





… and I had a very speciell experience!

This movie specifically describes my experience of Moa Israelsson´s cocoons !


“Moa Israelssons konstnärskap rör sig ofta i gränslandet mellan fiktion och verklighet, hennes skulpturer liknar föremål vi känner till, men är tillverkade av andra material och dimensioner än vi är vana vid.

Israelssons installation Go, Gone består av tio skulpturer i olika storlekar som hänger från taket. Skulpturerna är formade som stora sovsäckar, mjuka och till synes slitna av yttre åverkan. Stoppningen är synlig och materialet är fläckat, som om det legat ute under lång tid och bearbetats av tidens gång. De omsorgsfullt handsydda skulpturerna vittnar om en stilla vila. Tryggheten sömnen inger, men också sårbarheten. Tyget blir då ett försvar, ett lager mellan kroppen och världen som skyddar och värmer mot det som sker utanför. Verkets titel Go, Gone antyder att något gått förlorat och får sovsäckarna att likna tomma skal. Det enda som återstår är minnet av det som en gång funnits. Samtidigt inger den uppmanande titeln också ett hopp om att lämna förlusten bakom sig och gå vidare, att bli fri, och precis som puppan i en kokong förvandlas och pånyttfödas.

Materialvalet, silke och läder, förstärker känslan av skulpturerna som kokonger, skapade av naturen snarare än syntetiskt framställda av människan. Det är från just silkeskokongen som silkestråden utvinns. De två materialen silke och läder är båda organiska naturmaterial, men samtidigt varandras ytterligheter. Där det ena är ömtåligt och skirt, är det andra tåligt, slitstarkt och grovt. Kontrasten mellan materialen, det skira och mjuka, det grova och smutsiga, bidrar till en känsla av sällsamhet och förfrämligande: föremålen känns bekanta men samtidigt underliga.

Go, Gone, 2019-2020, 10 skulpturer, olika dimensioner, silke och läder.”


The French Embassy, Stockholm 2017

“chevalier de l’ordre des arts et lettres”

The French Ambassad, beautiful rooms. This day my phone just quite… so I had to ask for photos, sometimes ask for phone camera and use myself… so the photos this day are a collection between friends. The photos are processed by me.

 Cric, Ulla and Heidi… thank you :-)… o  much for the collaboration!

 Bengt Olson
My dear friend and colleague Bengt Olson, … has been made a “Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et Lettres” a Knight of the Order of Arts and Letters

– a French honorary title as a recognition of “significant contributions to the enrichment of the French cultural inheritance”

Projects in Paris during the  -70’s,:

Palais de Justice – 1976-77, -Cloud – 1978,

link: “Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et Lettres” 


 Bengt on his way towards Stockholm!

… with the very best company, wife Cric, Nisse and Ulla… dear&lovely friends!

photo: Ulla, Cric

David Cvach, Ambassadeur de France awarding the medal.

photo: Cric
“Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et Lettres”

film by Heidi SPEECH BY: Ambassador David Cvach, by Bengt Olson and by Barry
Bent accepts the award: “Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et Lettres”
photo: Ulla

Bent accepts the award

link: Konstnärsklubben

SPEECH BY: Bo Sydow, chairman of Konstnärsklubben.

film by Heidi

Bengt with beloved wife Cric, 17 okt 2017.

Bengt Olson with wife Cricia Olson
photo: zeppa

at the Résidence de France Stockholm

photo: Cric

Bengt with very best friends, Ulla, Nisse 

Bengt with with the French ambassador David Cvach and dear friend Heidi Boys Broström

Lennart Larsson and me… what did we talk about…

Happy and Overwhelmed

After a great reception, we said farewell to an overwhelmed Bengt

and went for late dinner at Miss Voon!


“In recent years, Jonas Svensson has contributed to the success story Miss Voon!” [TV 4]

My company ate lobstertacos and fjordlax tartar,

a dish that Jonas competed with in the next program the week thereafter, and won!

… so nice to meet you Maud and such a tasty, superb dinner Heidi… a great evening!

Stockholm is beautiful!


Jonas Svensson, Stockholm

Stjärnkock who went to school at both Melker Andersson and Danyel Couet. In recent years he 
has contributed to the success story Miss Voon in Stockholm and this year he opened new 
Miss Voon in Uppsala. His first chef job was in Skåne so now he plans to tie up the bag and win 
the Chefs match.

... to find MISS Voon in Stockholm!


Find the inner room where the noise does not reach!

 The truth is – it is only then as we can understand and clearly perceive what is happening around us outside ourself…. and it´s only then as we can consciously navigate in the outer world!

Unfortunately it is so easy to forgett the inner room…but that is so urgent to be in touch with it …  it should be the main goal!

… to stay connected!

”Serch Inside Yourself”

''Where Art Thou''
”Where Art Thou” 2006, acrylic on canvas, 110”x79”/280cmx200cm

”Drömmen Om Det Goda”

 Only then can we consciously navigate!

 …so it should be the first spot on the list of must-DO!

It is so cool that old theories is becomming a part of everyday use! 

That is future in light!



my sister…

our sister – we were five sisters – now we are four

This summer 2015, a sunny august … in the garden.

My sister Bibbi and I had a sketch-session in the garden under a small shady apple tree … we knew what was going on… two weeks later Bibbi died.

Bibbi 1962 – 2015

BIBBI, charcoal sketch 70cmX80cm

Thursday, 8/20 2015, my highly and deeply loved sister Bibbi left the earth.

Bibbi, so beautiful, so amazing talented … something the world missed because Bibbi made herself visible only to the family and immediate circle of friends.

I will miss her so much … to see her, to hear her and laugh with her!

Bibbi has always been my first choice of person to show my work … she had a deep, clear and unique picture vision … the best!

Bibbi also had a great knowledge when it came to words, language … all kinds of texts. When she very rarely wrote … it was fantastic!

Bibbi, Bibbi …  I am deeply grateful to all our moments, days, laughter and tears!

Miss you and love you forever!

Your adoring sister Zeppa

That day… that late summer day… when we all found us in another sphere.

twin sister Cecilia
In the twin-sister garden… that day Bibbi left.

Bibbi didn´t believe in life after death! Now… I wonder…

I can´t believe that she don’t exist at all. I believe that somewhere – in an other dimension – her spirit is alive!

I wish I could time-travel to this day, to this beach and meet Bibbi there… because sometimes I dream that she is there!

I have made a sketch from a photo… mixed with my own inner vision – Bibbi in Spain, like 9 years old in a all to big bathing suit in a non bating suit fabric. She and her twin sister were so very thin in this age but full of super energi and curosity – they were kind of a dream team – so incredible sweet! And they had an admirer named “Koftan” which they hung out with a lot.


… about 4-5 years later

… same place in Spain, just another beach!

1977 – 15 year – happy and on holidays

… when life as a grown up began, with a lot of wonderful & exciting possibilities!

1977 Bibbi

1976 Månstad

photo Per Darland

bibbis home the last 10 years

rembering 1990


New York 1990


soon exactely 25 years agao!

 NOW, 25 YEARS LATER … I can se the same ”Christmas”  energy  in

 Alexander McQueens creations. as in window Christmas  decoration in New York.

 … I remember because I recently got in contact with the 1990s again!

 In December 1990, I went to the USA, with the aim to connect with the art world!

I travelled to New York with a group of people connected to Björn Wetterling.

We visited the studios of some celebreties in the art world as, such as  La Noue, Terence,

Robert Rauschenberg, Frank Stella and James Rosenqvist and some others,

like printers and assistents.

… our meeting with James Roseqvist!

Rosenqvist showing his work and at the same time kindly taking care of us in his studio.

to the left: a lovely art piece of Rosenqvist in a corner at Mooma, and to the right James himself in his studio. (photo Zeppa)

National Art Awards

Frank Stella 

 on shaping the canvas

Frank Stella: Scarlatti and Bali Sculputure Series


… our meeting with Frank Stella!

    (photo zeppa) 

 Humble Mr Frank Stella telling us about his work and showing us his studio!

(photo zeppa)

(photo zeppa)

 Robert Rauchenberg

 22 October 1925 – 12 May 2008

Remembering Rauchenberg, By Jim Lewis

 … our visit to his studio!

Rauchenberg´s Studio was the coolest studio I have ever seen… an entire building,

with several floors, studios and living spaces… all very nicly put together.

(photo Zeppa)

This goat of Rauchenberg ”lives” among us here in Sweden,

 at Moderna Museet in Stockholm, and the goat has made

a deep, deep impression on me of a kind that I can´t grasp!

First floor, Studio Rauchenberg (photo Zeppa)

Half of the first floor in the Rauchenberg building was a very large room resembling a

churchlike room… so beautiful and such sacred atmosphere.  All of his space did inspire

the mind to different activities… what a creative way to live!

LA Noue, Terence

… our visit to his studio!

LA NOU.T.studio
Resturant visit with Terence… to the right, his studio… connected to a lovely living space. (photo Zeppa)

We were invited to a coctail party at Terence´s the

 studio before the evening´s visit to the restaurant .

I was especially impressed by one object in his living  room  (beside his work)

… it was a 2000 year old mummy of a little girl… it was very strange

… it had an effect on me… wonder if such company is healthy?

coctail.La Noe
Coctail party in La Noue Studio, 1990 (photo zeppa)


1990… my own work at the time!

Zeppa STUDIO, 1990, Gotenburg.

 I worked

 … mostly with two sizes as shown in the photo above. Later, in December, I had a

pleasant break from this work, switching to an interior decorating project where I

was hired to design and create/renew the image of a classic old café in Gothenburg.

The same type of ”Picture Letter” as the group I brougth

to LA were my inspiration for the entire interior project!

the group I brougth to LA: ”Picture Letters”, by Zeppa, 1990, ”’The Los Angeles Group”

The Zeppa INTERIOR design, 1992 Gothenburg, Sweden. 


Los Angeles  1990

… arriving on 4th December.

I left New York very early in the morning, alone… and extremly nervous, as the taxi driver

who showed up with a wild appearans, chose a way through the very dark park ,

driving like a mad man, mumbling strange words… and an no identifing photo in the

window… I had just heard horror stories with clear directives: don´t travel with taxi drivers

without a photo ID! I arrived in L A not knowing anyone

at all… but with clear focus, my trip was planned!

Zeppa, L A… by night!


In connection with The Art Fair I did meet Mr Joel Kessler who very generously

invited me to different events and introduced me to different people… … as like for the

big  party at Karen and Tony Barones Studio in Venice, in some way related to L A Art fair.

and… my meeting with Extraordinaire Joel Kessler 

Mr Joel Kessler
Joel Kessler at the party in the studio of the couple Karen and Tony Barone in Venice.

The BUZZ.hel
Barones party news paper, ”The BUZZ”… December 1990.                                                                                                                                                                   

Zeppa.at. Barones
(me in red)  🙂

quests at Barones party
Some other quests at the party!

 BaronesKaren Barone and Tony Barone… the greate party fixer!
